Thursday, February 12, 2009

How's Your Views?

About How's Your News?
How's Your News is a six episode series currently running on MTV's "See You Sunday" lineup. The show's format consists of comedic interviews with a seven member cast who all have a physical or mental disability. One's immediate response may be shock because there is a social taboo that comes with the disabled and comedy. In learning that How's Your News? originated as a project from within the disabled community, one will find that the show aims beyond crude appeal. The content is colorful as they have a variety of prominent and famous people, and the cast is entertaining enough within themselves.

Framing the Issue
By taking a deeper look at the "shock" or "controversy" the show may cause some to feel we are can understand why the show may make one feel that way. The important reason why this show appears to be controversial is because we don't often associate civil rights with disabilities. It is the disabled community's civil right to partake in all of the realms in our social sphere. By trying to shield the disabled from ridicule and prohibiting their ability to create their own content we are victimizing them without their consent. Furthermore, victimizing the disabled community deprives them of their agency, which is at the heart of all civil rights struggels.